Friday, July 3, 2009


Sad to say, but yes, Tori has graduated from Kindergarten.

She was so excited. Austin had the day off, MIRACLE! And so we were all able to go and watch Tori's graduation. It was so cute. They sang lots of songs for us and then played a video of pictures from the year. Tori was so cute during the whole graduation.

She is a very smart little girl and loved going to school. I was a little nervous at first because she gets a little distracted when other friends are around, but she did good and paid attention to her teacher (most of the time). She improved through the year and can't wait to start 1st grade. She is LOVING summer break though.

I just spent the last 45 minutes long a video of Tori singing, and it didn't post it. I will try again later. A little mad right now!

1 comment:

Jess and Whitni said...

Wow I cannot believe she is old enough to graduate Kindergarden! W-O-W! I haven't seen your little fam in so long, hopefully we have another Fennell Family reunion sooN!!!!!