Sunday, September 28, 2008


Narayan was a roommate of Austin's the year before we were married. Narayan was from Fiji and was one of the best people you would ever meet. We all got along so good. Narayan and I would spend a lot of time together while Austin was in his room studying. He loved to watch the Texas Ranger show with Chuck Norris. So I would lay on the couch (because I worked from 4:30 am to 1:30) and he would sit on the floor and we would watch it together. Then he and Austin and I would have dinner together. He was such a fun roommate for both of us. ( I did practically spend all of my time there)
So this is Austin with Narayan. And the bottom picture is of both of our beautiful familes this summer in our back yard. Narayan got married and moved to Canada. He and his family were in Utah visiting his adopted Mom and Dad and stopped to see us for a few hours. It was so wonderful to meet his beautiful wife and children.
I only had a couple of weeks left of pregnancy in this picture. Thank goodness that is over! :)

1 comment:

Annie said...

You looked AWESOME for only being a few weeks away from delivery. BIG FAT LIES, when you said you were huge. I didn't believe it and now I have proof.