Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wind Storms...

I am doing a little catch-up, but when we had been in the house for three weeks we had experienced a total of FIVE, yes I said FIVE, major big wind storms. There would be gusts up to 60 MPH, and not just one gust, but one after another. The first one occured the very first night. These wind storms were strong enough to pick up our grill and drop it in another spot, breaking it twice!! I was beginning to wonder if I was going to like living out in the country. It obviously didn't like me.

One day, while driving home from Rexburg after running a few errands, I looked toward our home and the sky was BROWN. Literally BROWN! It had been blowing so hard for so long that the clouds in the sky picked up all the dust and made it brown. It was kind of cool, just because I had never seen anything like that before, but really weird.

As the clouds came over our house, it cast a brown hue over everything.

This is a beautiful sunset that we get the opportunity to see from our kitchen window every night. There are some spectacular sunsets in the Plano area. We really do love living here.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Joe has been helping the truck drivers for BB with directions and unloading help. He went to the Plano location a few weeks ago and was amazed with the area and all the houses and yards. Hope you are having a good day.