Thursday, February 18, 2010

My new High Heels...

Because I am just barely shorter than Austin (1/4") I have never really worn heels, well, those of you who know me well realize that I have never really worn them, mostly because I am so freakin' tall. The other day I tried on a pair of 4" heels for Austin, mostly just to be funny, and no I could not walk in them! :) He asked me why I don't own any high heels. I informed him that I didn't want him to be uncomfortable around me when I am wearing them, because I would be taller. He sweetly told me that he didn't mind if I wore heels, and that I should get some to have when we go out. So what did I do? the very next day I went out and spent my birthday money from my parents and bought two pairs of high heels! Then, because my feet are not used to wearing them, I decided to vacuum the house in my heels. It was a fun half hour, but now I realized that I was giving my calves a workout. They are a little sore. I think I will wear them again tomorrow!


Meagan said...

Haha. I understand this too well. Well, not the husband being shorter but that I am just tall. ;) I wish I could have seen you vacuuming in your heels. Fun that you got 2 new pairs!

Annie said...

I must admit I would have liked to have seen you vacuuming in your heels as well.

~jan said...

I am hoping you wear them to church on Sunday so I can see them.

Jess and Whitni said...

haha that is funny you vacuumed with your new heels =) hahaha!

Mary Richardson said...

Rach I love you! You're so funny! Good for your husband! I've been telling Brian that I am dying to wear heels and he just will not let me! Of course I would be like 6'4" with heels but whatever, I don't care! :) I love that you vacummed in them, that is so awesome!